I&FM patients typically meet the following criteria:
- The patient understands how the approach of I&FM, the scope of services offered by their I&FM provider and the potential benefits to the patient.
- The patient understands both the short-term and long-term costs of I&FM services.
- The patient is willing to make diet and lifestyle changes and is interested in embracing issues related to mindfulness, including their mental and spiritual well being.
- The patient is willing to pay for I&FM services recommended by their provider, which are often in addition to traditional medicine costs including health insurance premiums.
- The patient is able to consistently implement the changes sought by their I&FM provider.
- The patient is able to afford the the costs associated with I&FM services, including supporting changes to diet and lifestyle.
It is important to remember that I&FM takes a holistic approach to the body’s organs and systems, which means that all of the patient’s actions impact their health. Varying from an I&FM treatment plan in seemingly insignificant ways can jeopardize any benefits of the plan, so it is important that patients are compliant, (which is also true of traditional medicine treatment plans).