About the Map

The physicians shown on the e3FM State Map were chosen on the following criteria:

  • Only MDs and DOs were considered. 
  • Only solo and small group practices were considered.
  • Only integrative and functional medicine (“I&FM”) physicians practicing comprehensive integrative or functional medicine were considered. 

Physicians are listed by their first name and last name with only MD/DO credentials. Be sure to see each physicians additional credentials and read about their training and experience on their website. 

Locations are by the practices primary location, (even if they have locations in multiple states). 

This list is not a comprehensive list of I&FM providers. There are some excellent NDs and DCs or corporate MDs/DOs practicing comprehensive I&FM. 

Physicians who focus primarily on anti-aging, hormones, pain, infusion or mental health are not included on this list. 

This list is based on claims physicians have made regarding their activities and credentials. Inclusion on this list does not represent any endorsement by e3FM. 

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